The Eagan Women of Note (EWON) was founded in 1999 through the efforts of a group of women in the community led by Jo Weyrick with the support of the City of Eagan Parks and Recreation Department and the Eagan’s Men Chorus. EWON was organized to be challenging, yet fun for everyone regardless of individual choral experience. We have grown from a group of 18 women to a group of 70. Discover more about us on the pages of this site.
In 2019 the Eagan Women of Note celebrated their 20th season as a choir.
Watch the video at the left to hear memories from members.
I have heard nothing but rave reviews regarding your performance. I have residents coming up to me and saying, “you have to have them back again, they were wonderful.” A few of the residents that attended do not usually attend music events, so I was thrilled to hear that they attended and really enjoyed the experience.
New Perspective Senior Living